Thursday, April 30, 2015

Monday was a bad day... of course I vlogged it for you!

You can see it here if you can't play this.

The weekend had been a bit busier than normal (have to celebrate ANZAC Day!), but I really don't know what happened to make me feel so badly. Other than the chemo of course...

So now you know that I'm not rocking this whole chemo thing as much as I was hoping. But honestly, if I only have a day like that every 6 weeks or so, I'll cope. So many other people have so many worse symptoms.

And I still have my hair.

For now.

But a funny link is OK too. Right?


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Another overdue update - this one's about chemo!

So I finally managed to get another video up onto YouTube for you!

If you can't see the player above, click here to go directly to YouTube.

It's easier for me to do a video (as long as I can keep them short) so I hope you don't mind seeing my face again!

Give it a like - it makes me feel all gooey and mushy (kinda like the end of the video!!)
