Thursday, May 7, 2015

Living in the "I don't know".

Here's the video about not knowing.

You can go directly to it on YouTube here.

I'm feeling a lot better physically today - but my poor family did get a dose of my 'grumps'!


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Monday was a bad day... of course I vlogged it for you!

You can see it here if you can't play this.

The weekend had been a bit busier than normal (have to celebrate ANZAC Day!), but I really don't know what happened to make me feel so badly. Other than the chemo of course...

So now you know that I'm not rocking this whole chemo thing as much as I was hoping. But honestly, if I only have a day like that every 6 weeks or so, I'll cope. So many other people have so many worse symptoms.

And I still have my hair.

For now.

But a funny link is OK too. Right?


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Another overdue update - this one's about chemo!

So I finally managed to get another video up onto YouTube for you!

If you can't see the player above, click here to go directly to YouTube.

It's easier for me to do a video (as long as I can keep them short) so I hope you don't mind seeing my face again!

Give it a like - it makes me feel all gooey and mushy (kinda like the end of the video!!)


Monday, February 23, 2015

February video is up!

Another video for you!

This one is only 4 minutes - so just the bare bones of what happened over the past month.


Friday, January 23, 2015

I made another YouTube video for you all!

I think it might be laziness - but you all seemed to appreciate 'seeing' me last time, that I decided to do it again!

This one catches you up on last week's visits to the oncologist and surgeon.Not giving anything away here - so you'l have to watch and see what's going on!

If you can't see the video below, give a click here and it will take you straight there!

So thanks for checking in, I'll 'see' you later!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Hiya! Here's an update for you, I did something special for you this time, and made a You Tube video! 
But be warned - it's LONG! 20 minutes LONG. So get a cuppa ready! But you'll get an update from me in a semi personal way, along with all of the ums and ahs, and staring off into the distance. I'm not too sure that I covered all that I wanted to, so maybe another one is needed (with some editing training!)
Sorry that this has taken so very long - but it's a new year and I will try to be better in keeping you in the loop as to what is going on...Let's get together a bit more this year, OK?
If you make it through the video, and you want me to do some more, give it a thumbs up and subscribe and that will let me know that you liked it. Leave me some feedback on any questions you have, or anything really.

If you can't see me below (or if you are on an iPad apparently) you might need to click here.

Happy Hugs