Thursday, March 20, 2014

Yep - still breathing!

I know, I know - I've been a very bad blogger and you are all witness to my momentous fail at posting every day this month. But I trust that after reading my sad, sorry tale of woe, there will be forgiveness!
Nah - it's not that bad, but it did get a LOT worse. Worse than I ever thought it would.
And what, you ask, was so bad? Well... in a word - ME.
I pushed the boundaries of the recuperation plan, and walked around the block a whopping three times - and it set my healing back about a month, guessing conservatively. Really. To prove it, let's do a little Megan math - this may hurt your brain a bit, but you'll get over it!

and you thought you were bad at maths?
So when I finished my treatments, I felt like I had about 20% of my normal energy level. You couldn't really tell from looking at me, but after a ten minute chat that left me needing a nap, you kinda guessed it.
That first week after treatment, when we began my recuperation plan, I felt like I had about 30% of my energy. Now that's a 50% improvement - right? I felt like I had so much energy then, that I did a typically stupid Megan thing and overdid it! That night after my little blockies, it was as if all energy had left me. I think I was snoozing by 7! The next day I felt like I had about 7% energy. That's low friends, really low. That's 'I can barely make it to the loo by myself' low.
I didn't leave the house until that Sunday for church and by then I was back up to about 15%. Simple things are exhausting.
Then, I got a cold. Just a simple little snotty nose, bit of a cough cold. You know - the sort that you can just 'soldier on with Codral' cold.(singing it now, aren't you?!)  No big deal. Except that it put me in bed for seven days. Yes, you read that right. In. Bed. For. Seven. Days. Miserable - energy back down to about 7%. Monday was the first day that I got back up, and had some coffee with friends, but that wiped me out. 
Today I feel that I may have about 17% - not even back up to what I was when I finished treatment, and that's been 3 weeks now. I know - that just flew by.
So that catches you up with me, and my brilliant maths skills. Tomorrow I'll catch you up with side-effect news and I'll try not to be such a fail at posting.
But I knew after you read through all of that you would forgive me - you do, dontcha?!

Till tomorrow loves,