Thursday, January 23, 2014

One week down peeps!

Didn't that go by quickly? (we are NOT talking about the five more to go!!)

After the horrible experience of the first treatment, we have settled in to a more manageable routine with my technicians. They are fantastic - which is probably good seeing as they have to see my naked butt every day!!!!

The worst part of the treatment is still getting into the right position for the treatment. We giggle and wriggle and move me around millimeter by milliliter. Then the x-rays start and I'm moved around a bit again millimeter until I am in the perfect  spot to finally get my treatment. They still don't hurt, or feel at all, but I am starting to get some side effects. My skin has started to get a bit pink, and I'm starting to get some fatigue. But by far the worst side effect has been the nausea. Horrid.

Enter Zofran - my new best friend! This wonder drug keeps the sickness at bay so that I don't feel like I need to chuck every moment of every day.

I haven't had a cup of coffee for FOUR DAYS!!!
I just feel dead - I really hope you haven't spoken to me over the past 4 days!!!
I am hoping tomorrow will bring me a cup of joe - I miss my best friend!!!!!!

Boy - it's been painful for me anyway!!!

I am also getting a bit sore in the hip joint - so walking, especially right after the treatment, is painful. I look like an old lady. Helped immensely when the Doc today suggested I may need to use a walking stick if my leg keeps 'collapsing' on me. (That happened yesterday afternoon - luckily the Princess was with me and could keep me upright!)

I may need to start my own collection.

So there's the first week in radiation. Sucky - but not as bad as it could be.....

Stay tuned - there is far more than you ever wanted to know coming up!!


1 comment:

  1. So sorry about the nausea babe....and glad that the medication is helping. It must be serious if you have missed out on coffee. What dont ya get a crutch...the ones that clip around your elbow are great. Then you can scrap book it to look beautiful. Lucky you have a cute bum when it is getting so much exposure. My thoughts are with you every day and even though I have never felt farther away from you I am honestly with you in spirit. Big bit hug and kiss - Love you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
