Friday, December 20, 2013

Phone calls, Family & Feels

The phone is becoming a bit of a necessary evil in this process to kill Fred. I seem to spend an extraordinary amount of time on it. And waiting for it to ring. I'm not sure I'm liking it all that much.
Especially when it's booking in for treatments. I was still managing very well in denial until this past week. (was pretty happy too in that 'oh, it'll be fine' space too!)
But this week, after calling, and calling, and -yep, calling some more, I finally managed to get the page turned to 2014 (WHAT? This year is almost over folks - and not to scare you too much - Christmas is next week!) so that I could book in for my MRI and planning CT scan. 
Now there is no way that I can pretend Fred is not there and that I truly am just injured from running. Let's pretend here that I AM an athlete (Mum - try not to laugh till you pee at that, k?!) 
So - the phone is not my friend. This week at least. 
The family bit? Loving FaceTime for seeing and talking and laughing with some of the fam this week too. 
Part of this whole denial thing was avoiding talking to Australia. It's hard being away from them all at the best of times. So at the worst of times..... It sucks. Big time.
But chatting with the big sis and the mother was so much fun - why was I avoiding it? I'm thinking I need to take on Mandi's philosophy that if I'm gonna have to have something icky, I best be able to have fun with it. 
So we did. And thanks for the visuals girlies - and the urban dictionary. Who knew a dictionary could be so funny?!

But then after the laughs comes the feels. Lots of them.
This side effect of tears is just not the fun part. I went to see Dr K this week, and so the pain has been sorted mostly. It's this emotional bit that is hard to handle.
And just as a side not - what is with the acid years I'm getting? You know - those ones that sting? Not a fan peeps, not a fan. 
So there you go. My week in review. The good the bad and the ugly.
And your reward for hanging in there for such a long post?  Here you go....

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